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The FJCC was founded in June 2013 to unite and represent the greater Flatbush community, on communal, civic and political concerns.
Realizing that Flatbush contains the largest demographic and geographic Jewish community in the country yet lacked the political influence that only unity can attain, community leaders worked together to form a united front to benefit the community on every level.
Over 200 Shuls, Yeshivas, Kollelim and Bais Yaakov schools make Flatbush a powerhouse of Torah scholarship and philanthropy in the Jewish world.

The FJCC is all-volunteer, with our tireless activists working diligently to establish the FJCC as an important voice for our community and beyond.
The FJCC board is comprised of the leadership of the Flatbush Yeshivas and Shuls, Flatbush Hatzoloh, Flatbush Shomrim, Chasdei Lev, and many national and local civic and communal groups.
FJCC members are active in a myriad of charity-chesed projects, and the FJCC assists and takes the lead in many efforts to help community members in need.

Under the guidance of the Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim in Flatbush, a major focus of the FJCC is to maintain, safeguard, and expand the Flatbush Torah community, and the foundation we really on for our families.
Many of the world's most influential leaders in the Torah, Business and Political world live or work in the Flatbush area. The FJCC unites these forces to benefit the community and the greater Jewish world at large.

The Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition, FJCC, unites and represents the greater Flatbush Jewish community, New York States' largest, on communal, civic and political concerns.
Josh Mehlman, Chairman
Malcolm Hoenlein, Honorary Chairman
Chaskel Bennett, Co-Founder
Executive Board
Michael Braunstein, Leon Goldenberg, Eli Goldbaum, Moshe Hass, Hashi Herzka,
Zevi Kohn, Shimon Lefkowitz, Sammy Miller, Peter Rebenwurzel,
Meilich Rubin, Avromi Schonfeld, Avi Schick, Avi Schron, Rafi Treitel, Tzvi Weill
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